Episode 266 – Homebrew, Pilsner, and Lager, oh my!

Kyle Wells joins us once more the studio to share a few of his quick-ferment lager and pils, in addition to some extremely tasty and refreshing craft pilsner and lager.

Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ufh0SaZ2Z4g
Episode Chapters:
00:00: SupportTheShitOutOfIt.com
00:08: Theme Music
00:17: Start Present
02:43: Kyle’s Pils
13:29: Pilz – Stay Oak Brewing Firm
17:28: Kyle’s Lager
23:11: Friendlier – Highland Park Brewery
29:04: Abaddon – Fashionable Instances Beer
36:52: Native Import – Inexperienced Cheek Beer Firm
42:45: fourbrewers.com
Beers from this week’s episode:
Pilz – Stay Oak Brewing Firm
Friendlier – Highland Park Brewery
Abaddon – Fashionable Instances Beer
Native Import – Inexperienced Cheek Beer Firm
Direct audio: MP3
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Theme Music: The Sleeping Sea King