Episode 286 – The return of Going In Blind!

This week, Greg’s bringing the blind warmth with the return of Going In Blind!

Episode Chapters:
00:00: SupportTheShitOutOfIt.com
00:08: Theme Music
00:16: Start Present
00:24: Going In Blind
01:38: Blind Beer 1
03:07: Blind Beer 1 Reveal
05:38: Blind Beer 2
10:51: Blind Beer 2 Reveal
14:18: Blind Beer 3
18:55: Blind Beer 3 Reveal
21:51: Blind Beer 4
27:42: Blind Beer 4 Reveal
29:36: Blind Beer 5
35:44: Blind Beer 5 Reveal
37:02: Blind Beer 6
38:15: Blind Beer 6 Reveal
43:29: Wrap Up
45:15: fourbrewers.com
Direct audio: MP3
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Theme Music: The Sleeping Sea King